Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Top Three Reasons Why You Should Watch 'Eat Pray Love'

1. Javier Bardem and James Franco - They are fantastic actors and they are very sexy!! It's in their eyes and the sexy way they talk!! Lucky Julia!!

2. Italy and its food!! - OMG! It was a good thing I was eating my favorite brownies watching this movie. The Italy sequence made me want food! Everything just looked delicious!!

3. Bali and its lushness!! - this was the third sequence in the movie and another beautiful sequence - lush scenery, everything green, and lots of beautiful people in it!!

Actually, there's nothing in the movie that I didn't know anymore so it didn't really touch me in a deep way. I guess people have to find their own spirituality, otherwise their lives will be empty. But I did love the traveling sequence! I say, 'Amen' to that! You'd really have to travel if you want vistas to open in your life. It's a life-changing experience!


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